Monday, July 9, 2007

Be sure to check the start list in 2030...

Pic's are here at last!

Three pics to start:

First is minutes after the birth.

Second same day but later.

Third is yesterday.



Welcome to Earth Seamus

Seamus Zachary Gallagher joined the world party at 8:42 PM Friday evening. He shares the same birthday as the current and 14th Dalai Lama. He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz and born 12 day's after his "due" date. Not much vernix left on him but he seems very healthy overall. He's feeding very well and when not sleeping he's lifting his head and taking a look around.

He was born at home in the bedroom without any drugs. The pre-game show began Friday morning and Kristen told me to be home by noon. After a stop at the grocery for some last minute goodies I was home to cook lunch. After lunch Kristen's Mom took Molly out and things really got started. We went for a walk in the blast furnace heat of a Virginia summer afternoon but realized that we needed to get home as labor was progressing fast.

OK, pics are downloaded, now I'll convert a few and throw 'em up for y'all. More on the story later.