Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thank you Nanny

Hi Nanny, the kids were very excited when the received their Halloween cards and they have something to tell you....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

forgot pic

more Maymont pics

I'm trying to get back into the game photographically speaking. Here are some more shots from our visit to Maymont:

Owen after our forced march from the animal park -

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let's take a look at Sarha Palin

Check out this link about McCain's choice for VP:


Sounds like quite a winner eh?

Hopefully America will actually read a little and find out more then what the see on the nightly "news" cause if this ticket is elected we're in heaps of trouble.

Maymont Park Wanderings

This morning we piled into the trusty TSX and made the oh so exciting journey down 64 East to Richmond. We met up with DoBec, the boys and Grammy C and Pop at Maymont Park. What a wonderful place. Acres and acres of rolling hills with a small zoo (a little depressing as zoo's always are) nice fields, barns and an indoor exibhit hall.

Got some nice pics of the kids and Becca got a few great family shots of Kristen and I with the kids.

Twas a very nice day albiet a little hot and humid. Typicall late summer day in Virginia which given this summer was quite atypical given all the cool, dry weather we had for most of July and August.

Ta ta,


Thursday, December 13, 2007

xmas tree shopping

In what will hopefully become a family tradition we went out this past weekend to pick out our xmas tree. We really wanted a live tree so we could plant it in the backyard after xmas but couldn't find one we liked. Hopefully we can plant one in the spring.

There is a farm about 9 miles from the house where we went last year. Nice folks and free hot chocolate. Here are some pics:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Rudy the love dog

He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he sure is beautiful...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tag Team Chess

I don't think you'll see this event in Beijing next year but these two gave me quite a run for my money.

Peach Fuzz

My how the time flies. Pretty soon he'll be shaving...

Seamus the super model, sort of

Kristen was working on the Nature's Child website over the weekend and after a mini photo shoot with Seamus we decided to make him famous and put his face on the home page.

Here's the original photo: