Thursday, December 13, 2007

xmas tree shopping

In what will hopefully become a family tradition we went out this past weekend to pick out our xmas tree. We really wanted a live tree so we could plant it in the backyard after xmas but couldn't find one we liked. Hopefully we can plant one in the spring.

There is a farm about 9 miles from the house where we went last year. Nice folks and free hot chocolate. Here are some pics:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Rudy the love dog

He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he sure is beautiful...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tag Team Chess

I don't think you'll see this event in Beijing next year but these two gave me quite a run for my money.

Peach Fuzz

My how the time flies. Pretty soon he'll be shaving...

Seamus the super model, sort of

Kristen was working on the Nature's Child website over the weekend and after a mini photo shoot with Seamus we decided to make him famous and put his face on the home page.

Here's the original photo:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Better late then never right....Halloween in November

If there is one thing I regret most so far in life it's just not taking enough pictures. Every time I look back in my archives I realize how fast time actually moves. Seamus is almost five months old and Molly is quickly leaving toddlerville. Pretty soon she'll be asking to borrow the car...

In other news, the store is going really well. Every week we're we're doing more business then the last and traffic is very steady. Kristen has really done a great job getting this project off the ground.

We're getting ready to host Thanksgiving so I'm off to bed. In the mean time, here are a few from Halloween. Enjoy!

Monday, October 15, 2007

We're opening a store!

Well, well, well. Just when I was off to a good start by posting my first few entries I fell off the blogesphere.

I've made my reentry now and will try and do better.

The only picture I have of Seamus is from 8/22. I have been so slack it's really pathetic but the store has taken over our lives.

Long story short, back in late July we saw a For Rent sign on a store in a shopping center we'd been eyeing before. The space was huge, the price was affordable and their was a new Christian's pizza (best pizza in town) going in two doors down. They have been packed ever since and hopefully those people are making a mental note of our store.

So, we decided to expand our online sling/baby carrier store and open Nature's Child

I can't believe we've done this but we're very excited and can't wait to open the doors.

If you know anyone that is having a baby soon, please give us a call. We have a special friends and family rate and we've got some really cool stuff that you just won't find in most other baby stores let alone big box stores.

We're focusing on natural and organic products but we've got tons of other great stuff. The web store will be live in a few days and the Grand Opening is Oct. 20th.

Stay tuned for more.



Friday, July 20, 2007


Here is a pic of Kristen's brother's kids and ours.

More pics

Seamus has decided to open his eyes so we thought we would give you a look. Enjoy...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Be sure to check the start list in 2030...

Pic's are here at last!

Three pics to start:

First is minutes after the birth.

Second same day but later.

Third is yesterday.



Welcome to Earth Seamus

Seamus Zachary Gallagher joined the world party at 8:42 PM Friday evening. He shares the same birthday as the current and 14th Dalai Lama. He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz and born 12 day's after his "due" date. Not much vernix left on him but he seems very healthy overall. He's feeding very well and when not sleeping he's lifting his head and taking a look around.

He was born at home in the bedroom without any drugs. The pre-game show began Friday morning and Kristen told me to be home by noon. After a stop at the grocery for some last minute goodies I was home to cook lunch. After lunch Kristen's Mom took Molly out and things really got started. We went for a walk in the blast furnace heat of a Virginia summer afternoon but realized that we needed to get home as labor was progressing fast.

OK, pics are downloaded, now I'll convert a few and throw 'em up for y'all. More on the story later.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Still waiting...

This weekend there was a full blue moon. Yesterday there was a total solar eclipse in Antarctica. This morning a crow sat on my office window sill and proceeded to tap on the window. He was trying to get in or alert me too something. I'm guessing that he was coming to tell me that baby is on the way.

I'm off to the midwives appt. now so we'll see what happens later today.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm all grown up

The time really does fly....

There sure is!

There sure is!

Knock, Knock, anyone in there?

Is there really a baby in your belly mama?

This is the only friend the end...

I have vowed to stop letting time go by without documenting the life of my family which is about to increase any day know. I used to write down my daily musings in college but I fell off the wagon long ago and more than a decade has passed with only memories and assorted photos to tell the tale. I have stopped this time bleeding today with the creation of this blog.

This blog will also serve as the main vehicle for communications surrounding el segundo's birth.

Stay tuned for more details.

